Gift Cards

Use of gift cards & validity period

Lahjakorttimme ovat voimassa 6 kuukautta ostopäivästä ja käyvät kaikissa liikkeissämme. Lahjakortin voi halutessaan käyttää myös useammassa erässä. Kaikkia lahjakortteja voi hyödyntää halutessaan myös tuoteostoihin sekä virvoitusjuomiin. Ajanvaraus tulee olla viimeistään lahjakortin viimeisenä voimassaolopäivänä. Korttia ei voi vaihtaa rahaksi.

Gift card value

You can buy for the service or amount of your choice. Our most popular services as gift cards are our service packages, which include a beer/soft drink of your choice (e.g. Royal Service, Pampering package for hair/beard). You can also buy a gift card for the amount of your choosing.

If you wish, you can also combine services and add beers/soft drinks to the gift card.

We reserve the right to make changes to the service selection. If the service purchased with the gift card has been removed from the selection, the gift card can be used for another service or product purchases. A purchased gift card cannot be exchanged for money.

Gift card to email

A gift card ordered online by e-mail is the fastest and easiest option. Gift cards delivered by e-mail will be sent to your e-mail immediately after purchase or, alternatively, directly to the gift recipient's e-mail. If you order a gift card directly for the recipient, you will receive a confirmation of the purchase in your email. Keep this payment confirmation.

Gift card from the shop

We also sell gift cards in each of our stores. Welcome!

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